One of the biggest things people use to make sure they are making a good decision when searching for payday loans online is other peoples reviews of certain companies and services. Spot loan is not an exempt company from this rule, many people are writing and creating video reviews about this company and with good reason. The spotloan login page, is full of errors and it is much too small which is the reason most people can not successfully, log in to understand how much they owe, and how to contact customer services. For this reason and many others which we will talk about below many people have switched to Guaranteed payday loan direct lenders including one thats you can use too when you click
A bigger problem with spot loan is the spot loan payoff procedure. When you pay off your loan it takes up to 5 to 7 business days to process the final payment meaning if you want to get a loan right after you pay yours off, you will have big problems with this since they do not post your payment right away.
Spotloan collections can lead to a spotloan lawsuit against you fast, which is another thing they do not tell borrowers at first, and you can end up in court fast if you can not pay the loan off in full. LendInstantly, does not take you to court within 14 days like spot loan which means you get more time to successfully pay off your loan, they will work with you for 180 days, before they put your loan in collections.
When looking to borrow it is much better to get with a more established direct payday lenders company like the one we mentioned above, that way you get the full amount you are looking to get and you get more time to pay it off with a lot less head aches.
In addition you will find you will have a much easier time getting a 2nd chance payday loans direct lender loan using the lender we have given you the link to above, since they are a highly rated and approved lender.